Wednesday, 21 September 2011

1 week down 51 to go!

Well, I survived! I had $90 for the week and I used $40 on fuel due to the dam fuel price being 1.47ish. I worked out that I'd be traveling approximately 200 km's per week. I add another 50 km's just to be generous. So this week I did 210.4 km's for the week. So my budget of $35 per week is pretty much on the money.

This weeks tank is nearly full so I'll be sweet on fuel especially if fuel prices stay in the low 1.30 per liter. This leaves me with $40 bucks till tomorrow (Thursday). I managed to walk away with $20 still in my wallet. *happy dance*. So this now rolls over to this week and I now have $110 to budget with. I have spent $35 on fuel already, I also treated myself to some scratchies and some donuts. Funny enough I won my money back on the tickets and it also covered the costs on the donuts!

I did a list for my shopping for the next week. I'm currently on my off week so I'll need to get kid friendly food for the week. Thank god it's school holidays starting next week so don't need to worry about lunches.

This week I also made some money by selling some more stuff on eBay. I currently have 2 items selling one at $200 bucks. I have also already been paid for another item $150 bucks worth. So if all goes to plan I'll have closed to $400 extra this month. The question is do I spend it ? Or SAVE it? We'll see. I still want my chest freezer so I can store my cow in!

1 comment:

  1. Get a CHEAP freezer, and SAVE the rest! You might have an unexpected expense - or save it for things like those months with 5 weeks, or Christmas!!
